Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Alberta to South America - "Two up going down!!"+1
For those of you who may not know the story, three of us (Conchita, Dan and I) will be riding down to South America for 10 weeks. Conchita and I will be leaving Alberta on Sept 28th, whereas Dan will be leaving on Oct 2. After C and I check out the sights and sounds of Las Vegas for a night, we plan on meeting up with Dan in Southern Arizona on Oct 5th before heading into Mexico and ....beyond!!
Dan will be riding a KTM 950 Adventure solo, while Conchita and I will be two-up on a BMW GS 1200 ADV.
All this nonsense was Dan's idea, so if anything goes wrong, we can all blame him!!!
Check out this link for a little teaser:
Yellow Fever (done)
Typhoid Fever (done)
Hepatitis A/B (done)
Tetanus (done)
Rabies (2 out of three so far):
Rabies vaccine was $625 for each of us. Interestingly enough, it is exactly the same shots you would get for free if you happen to be bitten by a dog!! Had I known a little earlier..........! Hey, there is still time to convince Conchita!!
Oooppps.....maybe not!!!
"Is that you, Conchita?"
"Yes, it's me Brian." (sigh, eyes rolling)
Malaria pills galore!!
(1/day x2 and 4 weeks after returing home-150 pills. If the Malaria doesn't kill you, the drugs will!!!!)
Pills to prevent altitude sickness
(La Paz in Bolivia is over 12,000 ft)
Pills to deal with altitude sickness if you do get it
Pills to stop diarrhea
Allergy Pills
Foot powder (stinky feet are bad)
Makes us wonder if we should even be going to these places!