Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Riding down from the San Salvador Volcano

We are staying in San Salvador with some AdvRider friends who are treating us like royalty. It has been so good, that we have stayed longer than we had originally planned. Thanks guys!
Mario and his wife Fernanda took us for a ride up to the Volcano near the city. It was fun to ride without all the gear on the bike. It may take a bit of time to load the video. Check out Mario's flying topcase near the end of the clip.

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Our certified tour guide, Mario, says that there used to be a lake here (San Salvador Volcano) until 1917 when the last eruption happened.

21st day 122

We thought we were cruising along really well, until the chicken delivery guy passed us on his scooter! Check out the chicken waving goodbye. Conchita and I had a good laugh.

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Our gracious hosts. Fernanda was wiping the sweat from Mario's brow. He'd stirred the paella once, or twice.

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Even though Mario lives in a gated community and inside a secure, guarded condo, I was surprised to see that his apartment had an open concept. This means that there is a wide open area to the outside that cannot be locked or even closed for that matter. Temperatures here allow for this type of set up.

22st day 014

Waiting out the rain at Mario and Fernanda's lake cabin. Now this is the good life. Dan had actually forgotten that we were on our way south!

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