Tuesday, December 11, 2007


THIS is Colombia!!!

C and I are riding solo these days. Dan was itching to make some serious miles south, so we decided to split up and hopefully meet up later in the trip. We received an e-mail from him today, and were happy to hear that he is riding with Ben, the Australian. He is two days ahead of us right now.
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There she blows!!! All was well with the beemer when we arrived at Girag,
Bogotá. Alfred "the German" was also there to pick up his bike. The other four bikers had already been by, and scooted off before us.

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I was a little too fast down the ramp for Conchita. We had to ride right out the front.

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After leaving Bogotá on the bike, we rode up to a little town called
Zipaquirá. Many had told us not to miss the Cathedral of Salt here. When we first arrived, we thought that the town was a bit of a dud, until we walked downtown and found a huge Halloween party going on. The town square was also very impressive.

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The Cathedral of Salt was not what I had imagined. It was actually an underground salt mine that had been turned into a church. Not a Cathedral made of salt!!!??

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Conchita was not feeling her greatest on the tour. Claustrophobic or not, she was hanging on till the end!!

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People in Chiquinquirá were very enthusiastic about our visit. We felt like stars!! THEY were the ones asking questions, and taking pictures.

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These two girls were very interested in the colour of my eyes. Can you blame them??
Colombia has been a surprise for us. It is a beautiful, clean country with fantastic people. It does not feel in the least bit unsafe.....so far. Military check points and police abound.

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