Tuesday, November 30, 2010


GS Trophy - South Africa!

Wow! What an event!!
Team Canada was able to hang onto fourth place, even after some fairly serious injuries.
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Costa Mouzouris, Brian Kiely, Pat Horan, Dominique Lemaire

You can imagine how giddy 40 grown men were when faced with a barn full of brand new bikes!

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With our names and countries on them as well!!

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Camping in the touratech compound just outside of Johannesburg - all tents supplied by BMW Motorrad. It was a very nice piece of property - too bad for the 8 foot fence topped with electrical wire.

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All bags to be loaded by the specified time, otherwise you are riding all day with your 50lb duffle bag! Everyone made sure to have their bag to the shuttle on time!

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I am soo excited - cant you tell?

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Camping at the Country Trax Motorcycle Training Ranch. Pretty much all the land you see in the background is part of the ranch.

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Country Trax as well - media, doctors and BMW organizers had use of the cabins. Poor buggers - they never got a chance to be one with nature....especially when packing up camp in the rain.GSTrophy 087

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Team Canada with Hanz - the VP of BMW Worldwide. He is a Canadian !!

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