Tuesday, November 30, 2010


GS Trophy - South Africa!

Wow! What an event!!
Team Canada was able to hang onto fourth place, even after some fairly serious injuries.
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Costa Mouzouris, Brian Kiely, Pat Horan, Dominique Lemaire

You can imagine how giddy 40 grown men were when faced with a barn full of brand new bikes!

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With our names and countries on them as well!!

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Camping in the touratech compound just outside of Johannesburg - all tents supplied by BMW Motorrad. It was a very nice piece of property - too bad for the 8 foot fence topped with electrical wire.

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All bags to be loaded by the specified time, otherwise you are riding all day with your 50lb duffle bag! Everyone made sure to have their bag to the shuttle on time!

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I am soo excited - cant you tell?

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Camping at the Country Trax Motorcycle Training Ranch. Pretty much all the land you see in the background is part of the ranch.

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Country Trax as well - media, doctors and BMW organizers had use of the cabins. Poor buggers - they never got a chance to be one with nature....especially when packing up camp in the rain.GSTrophy 087

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Team Canada with Hanz - the VP of BMW Worldwide. He is a Canadian !!

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010


GS Trophy South Africa!!

On Nov 11th, I am off to South Africa to compete in the BMW sponsored GS Trophy Challenge. Pat Horan of Alberta as well as Dominique Lemaire from Quebec will be joining me, and together we will make up Team Canada.

After competing in the Rocky Mountain GS Challenge here in Alberta and coming in second to Pat (shown here), I thought I would try my luck in Quebec for the final spot on the team.

I rode 3,600 km in three days, crossing the geographical centre of North America in the process.

You gotta love fall in the East.

I arrived at the Pourvoirie du Lac Beauregard ready for battle.

This time the tried and true, mighty GS1200 Adventure with 70,000km on the clock, took me to second AGAIN - after second place finisher was disqualified. In the end, it proved good enough as Marc-Andre could not make the trip.

Luc, me and Marc.
Winners of the team challenge 2010!

More GS Challenge photos here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bckgsphotos/sets/72157624878825029/show/

Here is the GS Trophy Kit that BMW sent to every participant.

Rally 3 suit - check out the Africa 2010 logo on the arm

Brian - Team Canada

Neck brace system

Sleeping bag and pad - very comfy

MSR Hubba two man tent

Along with a few shirts, a hoodie and a cap - very impressive - thanx BMW Motorrad!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Alaska Bound - B and C (even D) ride again!!!

We have decided not to post while on route this time and instead wait until we get back home to do a ride report.

We have one week to check out the Alberta Rockies and then we are heading north with a couple of friends that we met on our trip to South America.........

Check out the slideshow of our trip - just click on the title.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Traded in the GS for this...!!!??

Just kidding. It will be a long, long time before I get rid of the BMW. Even then, it would probably be for a newer GS.
Hmmmm...I don't think Conchita would approve of riding on the back of this anyway!!

klx450r 002re

These new 450's rip pretty good, but the manual says do an oil change every 1000 km and change the piston and rings every 1500 km!!!!! hahahahahah....ya right.

It feels really good to get back into dirtbiking. The quads are sold. We weren't really using them anymore, and the thrill was gone for me. Biking gets the heart pumping again. Let's me know how outta shape I really am!!

Monday, March 31, 2008


The GS has come home from South America.

Back home 021

Back home 029

Ahhhh the bike is back home!!! Finally!!!
We loaded Dan's bike as well as ours onto the trailer at Leo and Cheryl's for the last leg of the journey. I hooked up the battery on the GS and the old girl fired right up!!
Now, I just have to change all the fluids and it will be ready for another great year of riding. Too bad I am fresh out of holidays until 2009.

Ben's bike is vacationing in Red Deer until his owner is able to make it to Canada. Getting the KLR through customs at first looked very tough, until we were informed that all we had to do was pay duty on it. A refundable fee (when Ben is in Canada) of 5% on the estimated value of $2000 seemed like a fair enough deal.

Dan's KTM has a few bruises after the 24,000 km trip. A flat front tire with a dented rim, a dead battery and one leaky fork seal. All well worth the experience I am sure!!!!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


Calgary Bound

The word on the street is that the Sea Container with the 5 bikes is due to arrive in Calgary on Friday, March 7th!!!! Hopefully the bikes are still in one piece, and the WD40 I sprayed on the metal when loading the GS in Ushuaia helped keep the rusting sea salt away. We should find out soon enough.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Where is our bike!!!??

Last we heard, the BMW was on the ship heading up the coast of Peru. That was a couple of weeks ago, so we are not too sure where it is now....hmmmmmm. I said to myself that I would not worry about it until mid February. We are keeping our fingers crossed!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Alberta to South America - "Two up going down!!"+1

For those of you who may not know the story, three of us (Conchita, Dan and I) will be riding down to South America for 10 weeks. Conchita and I will be leaving Alberta on Sept 28th, whereas Dan will be leaving on Oct 2. After C and I check out the sights and sounds of Las Vegas for a night, we plan on meeting up with Dan in Southern Arizona on Oct 5th before heading into Mexico and ....beyond!!

Dan will be riding a KTM 950 Adventure solo, while Conchita and I will be two-up on a BMW GS 1200 ADV.

All this nonsense was Dan's idea, so if anything goes wrong, we can all blame him!!!

Dan D
Dan D

Check out this link for a little teaser:



Enough planning - let's GO already!!

Yellow Fever (done)
Typhoid Fever (done)
Hepatitis A/B (done)
Tetanus (done)
Rabies (2 out of three so far):

Rabies vaccine was $625 for each of us. Interestingly enough, it is exactly the same shots you would get for free if you happen to be bitten by a dog!! Had I known a little earlier..........! Hey, there is still time to convince Conchita!!

Oooppps.....maybe not!!!

Rabies in a vial


"Is that you, Conchita?"

"Yes, it's me Brian." (sigh, eyes rolling)

Rabies Vaccine #2


Malaria pills galore!!
(1/day x2 and 4 weeks after returing home-150 pills. If the Malaria doesn't kill you, the drugs will!!!!)
Pills to prevent altitude sickness
(La Paz in Bolivia is over 12,000 ft)
Pills to deal with altitude sickness if you do get it
Pills to stop diarrhea
Allergy Pills
Foot powder (stinky feet are bad)

Makes us wonder if we should even be going to these places!


Last week of work

Alllllrighty then.......here we are finally in the last week before the big send-off (won't be much fanfare actually).

All our documents have been scanned and photocopied. Conchita is still adding the final touches to our "Red Cross" medical cards that we will carry in/on our tank bag in a visible place (in case we crash and the medics need our vital info: blood type, allergies, etc).

I don't think the whole concept of where we are riding to has really set in yet. I don't feel super excited. That will all change after a couple of days on the road thinking about 70+ holidays left ahead of us. Wow, this will be a first - not only where we are going, but also how long we are going.

It sounds like C and I may be able to scoot off a little ahead of schedule on the 28th. Possibly 3 PM. That should give more than enough time to ride the 450 km to our first stop - friends Ken and Linda's place in Red Deer, Alberta.

Day two should get us into the US and down into Kalispell, Montana, where we have been invited to overnight at a fellow ADV rider's place. Life is good!!! Or rather.....GOING to be good!!!

Dan is also going to be able to get away a little earlier than he had planned. He is aiming to meet us in Las Vegas on Oct 4th. We offered to share our room at the Flamingo Hotel. He will have to sleep on the floor though. I am quite sure he won't mind. The floor at the Flamingo is probably way nicer than some of the places that we will be sleeping in over the next 2 1/2 months.


About 18 hours to go

Day before 002

19,370 km on the odometer right now. I am pretty sure that will more than double by the time C and I are done.

Day before 005

Mom came over to wish us a safe and happy trip. Thanx mom!!

Day before 001

The idea is to make it as far as we can into the US on this tire, and get fresh ones just before we cross over into Mexico and down into the Copper Canyon. We are going to try and get about 3000 km out of it. The flatness of this tire is a testament to the crap biking roads here in eastern Alberta.


First Full Day is Done!! (click here for the slideshow link)

Now there is a good-looking, hardworking bunch of people!!!
first week 002

Not too bad - only 40 kilos over the GVW. Still handles perfectly at high speeds (nothing over the limit of course), but I wonder how long the rear shock will hold out. Let's not tell the BMW warranty guys......shhhhhhhh.
first week 006

Andy and Debbie from Edson took some well-needed time off from their house renovations to meet us for supper in Edmonton. Debbie gave C a valuable tip: the blueberry tea recipe....that has come in handy ; ) Supper was fantastic, but it put us a little behind getting to Ken and Linda's in Red Deer. C and I rode through 3 degree temps, the rain and in the dark. It all added up to a very "thrilling" first day. Remind us why we are doing this again?? Ken and Linda had the hot chocolate and Baileys ready for us, and were also kind enough to crank up the heat. Thanx guys.
first week 009

I finally broke down on Saturday, and had to try out my heated liner. C has been wearing hers pretty steadily since she got it, but I have never felt cold enough to use mine. Today I did!! And the balaclava as well!!
first week 010

It was the first time I saw the flashing snowflake on the bike!! It actually got down to 1.5 degrees, but Conchita was shivering too much to take a clear photo (kidding)! All in all, we did fine in the cold temps. Hopefully, in another day or so, we will not have to worry about that anymore.
first week 048


The adventure continues!! (title is the link to more photos on flickr-slideshow)

Dan leaves Hinton today!!

We have not heard anything from Dan yet. I hope he has a good ride, and misses all the snow.

Saturday we met up with GS Gal in Kalispell right on time....well, not really. We were an hour and a half late. It must have been Conchita's fault!!

Even though we were a little late, we still met up with some other fine folks for supper. It was really enjoyable and relaxing to hang out with them. It is too bad that we were not able to spend more time with Sylvia. She is a gracious host, whose enthusiasm for motorbiking is contagious. She ALMOST convinced Conchita to start riding her own bike! Thank you so much for the hospitality!! We look forward to meeting up with you again one day. Kalispell is not THAT far from Cold Lake.


first week 21

first week 25

first week 27

fIrst week 45
National Historic Site - St. Ignatius Church.

first week-3rd day 024

Sawtooth Pass in Southern Idaho - today.
I certainly was not expecting below zero temperatures and snow storms!!
Good thing we brought the heated liners, or things would have been real nasty.
We rode through this for 150 km. The snow was accumulating on the road in some spots.

first week-3rd day 071

first week-3rd day 065

I am not sure if the temp gauge goes below zero. Don't really want to find out either!

first week-3rd day 006

first week-3rd day 052

Today we rode 598 km from Missoula, Montana, to Hailey, Idaho. The twisties were perfect....until the snow hit.

Tomorrow we will have to make a short detour to the BMW dealer in Boise, Idaho. Seems the rear tire isn't going to last as long as I had hoped. Hopefully they have a tire in stock, and are able to change it for us.

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